<< Romans 8:18 >>



  • 2 Corinthians 4 17-2 Corinthians 4 18
    Our troubles are small. They last only for a short time. But they are earning for us a glory that will last forever. It is greater than all our troubles.So we don’t spend all our time looking at what we can see. Instead, we look at what we can’t see. That’s because what can be seen lasts only a short time. But what can’t be seen will last forever.
  • 1 Peter 4 13
    Instead, be joyful that you are taking part in Christ’s sufferings. Then you will have even more joy when Christ returns in glory.
  • 1 Peter 1 5-1 Peter 1 7
    Through faith you are kept safe by God’s power. Your salvation is going to be completed. It is ready to be shown to you in the last days.Because you know all this, you have great joy. You have joy even though you may have had to suffer for a little while. You may have had to suffer sadness in all kinds of trouble.Your troubles have come in order to prove that your faith is real. Your faith is worth more than gold. That’s because gold can pass away even when fire has made it pure. Your faith is meant to bring praise, honor and glory to God. This will happen when Jesus Christ returns.
  • Acts 20:24
    But my life means nothing to me. My only goal is to finish the race. I want to complete the work the Lord Jesus has given me. He wants me to tell others about the good news of God’s grace.
  • 1John 3:2
  • 2 Thessalonians 1 7-2 Thessalonians 1 12
    He will help you who are troubled. And he will also help us. All these things will happen when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven. He will come in blazing fire. He will come with his powerful angels.He will punish those who don’t know God. He will punish those who don’t obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.They will be destroyed forever. They will be shut out of heaven. They will never see the glory of the Lord’s strength.All these things will happen when he comes. On that day his glory will be seen in his holy people. Everyone who has believed will be amazed when they see him. This includes you, because you believed the witness we gave you.Keeping this in mind, we never stop praying for you. Our God has chosen you. We pray that he will make you worthy of his choice. We pray he will make every good thing you want to do come true. We pray that he will do this by his power. We pray that he will make perfect all that you have done by faith.We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus will receive glory through what you have done. We also pray that you will receive glory through what he has done. We pray all these things in keeping with the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 1 Peter 1 13
    So be watchful, and control yourselves completely. In this way, put your hope in the grace that lies ahead. This grace will be brought to you when Jesus Christ returns.
  • Colossians 3:4
    Christ is your life. When he appears again, you also will appear with him in heaven’s glory.
  • Matthew 5:11-12
    “ Blessed are you when people make fun of you and hurt you because of me. You are also blessed when they tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.Be joyful and glad. Your reward in heaven is great. In the same way, people hurt the prophets who lived long ago.
  • Hebrews 11:25-26
    He chose to be treated badly together with the people of God. He chose not to enjoy sin’s pleasures. They only last for a short time.He suffered shame because of Christ. He thought it had great value. Moses considered it better than the riches of Egypt. He was looking ahead to his reward.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2 14
    He chose you to be saved by accepting the good news that we preach. And you will share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 1 Peter 5 1
    I’m speaking to the elders among you. I was a witness of Christ’s sufferings. And I will also share in the glory that is going to come. I’m making my appeal to you as one who is an elder together with you.
  • Hebrews 11:35
    Women received back their dead. The dead were raised to life again. There were others who were made to suffer greatly. But they refused to be set free. They did this so that after death they would be raised to an even better life.