<< Psalms 40:11 >>



  • Psalms 57:3
    May he send help from heaven and deliver me from my enemies who hurl insults!( Selah) May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!
  • Psalms 43:3
    Reveal your light and your faithfulness! They will lead me, they will escort me back to your holy hill, and to the place where you live.
  • Psalms 61:7
    May he reign forever before God! Decree that your loyal love and faithfulness should protect him.
  • Psalms 23:6
    Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days, and I will live in the LORD’s house for the rest of my life.
  • Proverbs 20:28
    Loyal love and truth preserve a king, and his throne is upheld by loyal love.
  • Psalms 69:13
    O LORD, may you hear my prayer and be favorably disposed to me! O God, because of your great loyal love, answer me with your faithful deliverance!
  • Psalms 69:16
    Answer me, O LORD, for your loyal love is good! Because of your great compassion, turn toward me!
  • Psalms 85:10
    Loyal love and faithfulness meet; deliverance and peace greet each other with a kiss.
  • Hebrews 5:7
    During his earthly life Christ offered both requests and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his devotion.