<< 民数記 9:23 >>


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  • 圣经新译本
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  • 文理和合譯本
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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    At the Lord’s command they encamped, and at the Lord’s command they set out. They obeyed the Lord’s order, in accordance with his command through Moses.
  • New International Reader's Version
    When the Lord gave the command, they camped. And when he gave the command, they started out. They obeyed the Lord’ s order. They obeyed him, just as he had commanded them through Moses.
  • English Standard Version
    At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out. They kept the charge of the Lord, at the command of the Lord by Moses.
  • New Living Translation
    So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command, and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    They camped at the LORD’s command, and they set out at the LORD’s command. They carried out the LORD’s requirement according to his command through Moses.
  • New American Standard Bible
    At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out; they did what the Lord required, in accordance with the command of the Lord through Moses.
  • New King James Version
    At the command of the Lord they remained encamped, and at the command of the Lord they journeyed; they kept the charge of the Lord, at the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
  • American Standard Version
    At the commandment of Jehovah they encamped, and at the commandment of Jehovah they journeyed: they kept the charge of Jehovah, at the commandment of Jehovah by Moses.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    They camped at the Lord’s command, and they set out at the Lord’s command. They carried out the Lord’s requirement according to His command through Moses.
  • King James Version
    At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed: they kept the charge of the LORD, at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.
  • New English Translation
    At the commandment of the LORD they camped, and at the commandment of the LORD they traveled on; they kept the instructions of the LORD according to the commandment of the LORD, by the authority of Moses.
  • World English Bible
    At the commandment of Yahweh they encamped, and at the commandment of Yahweh they traveled. They kept Yahweh’s command, at the commandment of Yahweh by Moses.


  • 民数記 9:19
    When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the Lord’s order and did not set out. (niv)
  • ヨシュア記 22:3
    For a long time now— to this very day— you have not deserted your fellow Israelites but have carried out the mission the Lord your God gave you. (niv)
  • ゼカリヤ書 3:7
    “ This is what the Lord Almighty says:‘ If you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here. (niv)
  • 創世記 26:5
    because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, my decrees and my instructions.” (niv)
  • エゼキエル書 44:8
    Instead of carrying out your duty in regard to my holy things, you put others in charge of my sanctuary. (niv)