<< 민수기 3:46 >>


  • 新标点和合本
  • 和合本2010(上帝版)
  • 和合本2010(神版)
  • 当代译本
  • 圣经新译本
  • 新標點和合本
  • 和合本2010(上帝版)
  • 和合本2010(神版)
  • 當代譯本
  • 聖經新譯本
  • 呂振中譯本
  • 文理和合譯本
  • 文理委辦譯本
  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    To redeem the 273 firstborn Israelites who exceed the number of the Levites,
  • New International Reader's Version
    But there are 273 more males born first in Israel than there are male Levites.
  • English Standard Version
    And as the redemption price for the 273 of the firstborn of the people of Israel, over and above the number of the male Levites,
  • New Living Translation
    There are 273 more firstborn sons of Israel than there are Levites. To redeem these extra firstborn sons,
  • Christian Standard Bible
    As the redemption price for the 273 firstborn Israelites who outnumber the Levites,
  • New American Standard Bible
    And as a redemption price for the 273 of the firstborn of the sons of Israel who are in excess of the number of the Levites,
  • New King James Version
    And for the redemption of the two hundred and seventy-three of the firstborn of the children of Israel, who are more than the number of the Levites,
  • American Standard Version
    And for the redemption of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the first- born of the children of Israel, that are over and above the number of the Levites,
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    As the redemption price for the 273 firstborn Israelites who outnumber the Levites,
  • King James Version
    And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites;
  • New English Translation
    And for the redemption of the 273 firstborn males of the Israelites who exceed the number of the Levites,
  • World English Bible
    For the redemption of the two hundred seventy- three of the firstborn of the children of Israel who exceed the number of the Levites,


  • 출애굽기 13:13
    Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons. (niv)
  • 민수기 18:15-16
    The first offspring of every womb, both human and animal, that is offered to the Lord is yours. But you must redeem every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals.When they are a month old, you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs. (niv)