<< Nahum 1:8 >>



  • Amos 8:8
    “ The land will tremble because of what will happen. Everyone who lives in it will mourn. So the whole land will rise like the Nile River. It will be stirred up. Then it will settle back down again like that river in Egypt.”
  • Isaiah 28:17
    I will use a measuring line to prove that you have not been fair. I will use a plumb line to prove that you have not done what is right. Hail will sweep away the lies you depend on to keep you safe. Water will flood your hiding place.
  • Ezekiel 13:13
    “‘ So the Lord and King speaks. He says,“ When I am very angry, I will send a powerful wind. Hailstones and heavy rains will come. They will fall with great force.
  • Isaiah 8:22
    Then they will look at the earth. They’ll see nothing but suffering and darkness. They’ll see terrible sadness. They’ll be driven into total darkness.
  • Matthew 7:27
    The rain comes down. The water rises. The winds blow and beat against that house. And it falls with a loud crash.”
  • Matthew 8:12
    But those who think they belong in the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness. There they will weep and grind their teeth.”
  • Nahum 2:8
    Nineveh is like a pool whose water is draining away.“ Stop running away!” someone cries out. But no one turns back.
  • Nahum 1:1
    Here is a prophecy the Lord gave Nahum, who was from the town of Elkosh. The prophecy came in a vision and is written in a book. The prophecy is about Nineveh.
  • Jeremiah 13:16
    Give glory to the Lord your God. Honor him before he sends darkness to cover the land. Do this before you trip and fall on the darkened hills. You hope that light will come. But he will turn it into thick darkness. He will change it to deep shadows.
  • Daniel 9:26
    After the 62‘ weeks,’ the Anointed King will be put to death. His followers will desert him. And everything he has will be taken away from him. The army of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the temple. The end will come like a flood. War will continue until the end. The Lord has ordered that many places be destroyed.
  • Daniel 11:40
    “ A king in the south will go to war against him. It will happen at the time of the end. The king who will honor himself will rush out against him. He will come with chariots and horsemen. He will attack with a lot of ships. He will lead his army into many countries. He will sweep through them like a flood.
  • Daniel 11:22
    Then he will sweep away a huge army. The army and a prince of the covenant will be destroyed.
  • Amos 9:5-6
    The Lord rules over all. The Lord touches the earth, and it melts. Everyone who lives in it mourns. The whole land rises like the Nile River. Then it settles back down again like that river in Egypt.The Lord builds his palace high in the heavens. He lays its foundation on the earth. He sends for the waters in the clouds. Then he pours them out on the surface of the land. His name is the Lord.
  • Isaiah 8:7-8
    So I am about to bring against these people the king of Assyria and his whole army. The Assyrians will be like the mighty Euphrates River when it is flooding. They will run over everything in their path.They will sweep on into Judah like a flood. They will pass through Judah and reach all the way to Jerusalem. Immanuel, they will attack your land like an eagle. Their wings will spread out and cover it.”
  • Proverbs 4:19
    But the way of those who do what is wrong is like deep darkness. They don’t know what makes them trip and fall.
  • Daniel 11:10
    His sons will prepare for war. They will gather a huge army. It will sweep along like a mighty flood. The army will fight its way as far as one of the Egyptian forts.
  • Zephaniah 2:13
    The Lord will reach out his powerful hand against the north. He will destroy Assyria. He’ll leave Nineveh totally empty. It will be as dry as a desert.
  • 2 Peter 3 6-2 Peter 3 7
    The waters also flooded the world of that time. And so they destroyed the world.By God’s word the heavens and earth of today are being reserved for fire. They are being kept for the day when God will judge. Then ungodly people will be destroyed.
  • Job 30:15
    Terrors sweep over me. My honor is driven away as if by the wind. My safety vanishes like a cloud.