<< Matthew 5:28 >>



  • Proverbs 6:25
    Don’t hunger in your heart after her beauty. Don’t let her eyes capture you.
  • 1 John 2 16
    Here is what people who belong to this world do. They try to satisfy what their sinful desires want to do. They long for what their sinful eyes look at. They take pride in what they have and what they do. All of this comes from the world. None of it comes from the Father.
  • James 1:14-15
    But each person is tempted by their own evil desires. These desires lead them on and drag them away.When these desires are allowed to remain, they lead to sin. And when sin is allowed to remain and grow, it leads to death.
  • Job 31:1
    “ I made an agreement with my eyes. I promised not to look at a young woman with impure thoughts.
  • Exodus 20:17
    “ Do not want to have anything your neighbor owns. Do not want to have your neighbor’s house, wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey.”
  • 2 Samuel 11 2
    One evening David got up from his bed. He walked around on the roof of his palace. From the roof he saw a woman taking a bath. She was very beautiful.
  • Genesis 34:2
    Hamor, the Hivite, was the ruler of that area. When his son Shechem saw Dinah, he took her and raped her.
  • 2 Peter 2 14
    They stare at women who are not their wives. They want to sleep with them. They never stop sinning. They trap those who are not firm in their faith. They have mastered the art of getting what they want. God has placed them under his judgment.
  • Romans 7:7-8
    What should we say then? That the law is sinful? Not at all! Yet I wouldn’t have known what sin was unless the law had told me. The law says,“ Do not want what belongs to other people.”( Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21) If the law hadn’t said that, I would not have known what it was like to want what belongs to others.But the commandment gave sin an opportunity. Sin caused me to want all kinds of things that belong to others. A person can’t sin by breaking a law if that law doesn’t exist.
  • Job 31:9
    “ Suppose my heart has been tempted by a woman. Or suppose I’ve prowled around my neighbor’s home.
  • Romans 7:14
    We know that the law is holy. But I am not. I have been sold to be a slave of sin.
  • Psalms 119:96
    I’ve learned that everything has its limits. But your commands are perfect. They are always there when I need them. Mem
  • Matthew 5:22
    But here is what I tell you. Do not be angry with a brother or sister. Anyone who is angry with them will be judged. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister,‘ Raca,’ must stand trial in court. And anyone who says,‘ You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire in hell.
  • Genesis 39:7-23
    After a while, his master’s wife noticed Joseph. She said to him,“ Come to bed with me!”But he refused.“ My master has put me in charge,” he told her.“ Now he doesn’t have to worry about anything in the house. He trusts me to take care of everything he owns.No one in this house is in a higher position than I am. My master hasn’t held anything back from me, except you. You are his wife. So how could I do an evil thing like that? How could I sin against God?”She spoke to Joseph day after day. But he told her he wouldn’t go to bed with her. He didn’t even want to be with her.One day Joseph went into the house to take care of his duties. None of the family servants was inside.Potiphar’s wife grabbed him by his coat.“ Come to bed with me!” she said. But he left his coat in her hand. And he ran out of the house.She saw that he had left his coat in her hand and had run out of the house.So she called her servants.“ Look,” she said to them,“ this Hebrew slave has been brought here to make fun of us! He came in here to force me to have sex with him. But I screamed for help.He heard my scream. So he left his coat beside me and ran out of the house.”She kept Joseph’s coat with her until Potiphar came home.Then she told him her story. She said,“ That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to rape me.But I screamed for help. So he left his coat beside me and ran out of the house.”Potiphar’s wife told him,“ That’s how your slave treated me.” When Joseph’s master heard her story, he became very angry.So he put Joseph in prison. It was the place where the king’s prisoners were kept. While Joseph was there in the prison,the Lord was with him. He was kind to him. So the man running the prison was pleased with Joseph.He put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners. He made him responsible for everything done there.The man who ran the prison didn’t pay attention to anything in Joseph’s care. That’s because the Lord was with Joseph. He gave Joseph success in everything he did.
  • Matthew 5:39
    But here is what I tell you. Do not fight against an evil person. Suppose someone slaps you on your right cheek. Turn your other cheek to them also.
  • Matthew 7:28-29
    Jesus finished saying all these things. The crowds were amazed at his teaching.That’s because he taught like one who had authority. He did not speak like their teachers of the law.