<< Luke 19:20 >>



  • Luke 6:46
    “ Why do you call me,‘ Lord, Lord,’ and still don’t do what I say?
  • Luke 19:13
    So he sent for ten of his slaves. He gave them each about three months’ pay.‘ Put this money to work until I come back,’ he said.
  • Luke 3:9
    The ax is already lying at the roots of the trees. All the trees that don’t produce good fruit will be cut down. They will be thrown into the fire.”
  • Matthew 25:24
    “ Then the man who had received one bag of gold came.‘ Master,’ he said,‘ I knew that you are a hard man. You harvest where you have not planted. You gather crops where you have not scattered seed.
  • Proverbs 26:13-16
    A person who doesn’t want to work says,“ There’s a lion in the road! There’s an angry lion wandering in the streets!”A person who doesn’t want to work turns over in bed just like a door that swings back and forth.A person who doesn’t want to work leaves his hand in his plate. He acts as if he is too tired to bring his hand back up to his mouth.A person who doesn’t want to work is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who give careful answers.
  • James 4:17
    So suppose someone knows the good deeds they should do. But suppose they don’t do them. By not doing these good deeds, they sin.