<< Leviticus 7:8 >>



  • Genesis 3:21
    The Lord God made clothes out of animal skins for Adam and his wife to wear.
  • Numbers 19:5
    While he watches, the young cow must be burned. Its hide, meat, blood and guts must be burned.
  • Romans 13:14
    Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ as if he were your clothing. Don’t think about how to satisfy sinful desires.
  • Leviticus 4:11
    But the bull’s hide must be taken away. So must all its meat. So must its head and legs. And so must its inside parts and guts.
  • Leviticus 1:6
    The skin must be removed from the animal brought for the burnt offering. Then the animal must be cut into pieces.
  • Exodus 29:14
    But burn the bull’s meat, hide and guts outside the camp. It is a sin offering.