<< Leviticus 11:24 >>



  • Ephesians 2:1-3
    You were living in your sins and lawless ways. But in fact you were dead.You used to live as sinners when you followed the ways of this world. You served the one who rules over the spiritual forces of evil. He is the spirit who is now at work in those who don’t obey God.At one time we all lived among them. Our desires were controlled by sin. We tried to satisfy what they wanted us to do. We followed our desires and thoughts. God was angry with us like he was with everyone else. That’s because of the kind of people we all were.
  • Colossians 2:16-17
    So don’t let anyone judge you because of what you eat or drink. Don’t let anyone judge you about holy days. I’m talking about special feasts and New Moons and Sabbath days.They are only a shadow of the things to come. But what is real is found in Christ.
  • Leviticus 11:31
    These are the animals that move around on the ground that are“ unclean” for you. If you touch their dead bodies, you will be“ unclean” until evening.
  • Leviticus 11:8
    You must not eat the meat of those animals. You must not even touch their dead bodies. They are“ unclean” for you.
  • Leviticus 11:27-28
    Many animals walk on all fours. But those that walk on their paws are“ unclean” for you. Anyone who touches their dead bodies will be“ unclean” until evening.If a person picks up their dead bodies, that person must wash their clothes. They will be“ unclean” until evening. These animals are“ unclean” for you.
  • Ephesians 5:11
    Have nothing to do with the acts of darkness. They don’t produce anything good. Show what they are really like.
  • Colossians 2:20
    Some people still follow the basic spiritual powers of the world. But you died with Christ as far as these powers are concerned. So why do you act as if you still belong to the world? Here are the rules you follow.
  • 2 Corinthians 6 17
    So,“ Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch anything that is not pure and‘ clean.’ Then I will receive you.”( Isaiah 52:11; Ezekiel 20:34, 41)
  • Leviticus 11:38-40
    But suppose water has already been put on the seeds. And suppose the dead body falls on them. Then they are“ unclean” for you.“‘ Suppose an animal you are allowed to eat dies. If anyone touches its dead body, they will be“ unclean” until evening.If they eat part of the dead body, they must wash their clothes. They will be“ unclean” until evening. If they pick up the dead body, they must wash their clothes. They will be“ unclean” until evening.
  • Leviticus 17:15-16
    “‘ Suppose someone eats anything found dead or torn apart by wild animals. It does not matter whether they are an Israelite or an outsider. They must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be“ unclean” until evening. After that, they will be“ clean.”But suppose they do not wash their clothes. And suppose they do not take a bath. Then they will be held responsible for what they have done.’ ”
  • Hebrews 9:26
    If he had, he would have had to suffer many times since the world was created. But he has appeared once and for all time. He has come at the time when God’s work is being completed. He has come to do away with sin by offering himself.
  • 1 John 1 7
    But suppose we walk in the light, just as he is in the light. Then we share life with one another. And the blood of Jesus, his Son, makes us pure from all sin.
  • 1 Corinthians 15 33
    Don’t let anyone fool you.“ Bad companions make a good person bad.”
  • Isaiah 22:14
    I heard the Lord who rules over all speaking.“ Your sin can never be paid for as long as you live,” says the Lord.