<< John 9:31 >>



  • Proverbs 15:29
    The Lord is far away from those who do wrong. But he hears the prayers of those who do right.
  • Proverbs 28:9
    If you don’t pay attention to my instruction, even your prayers are hated.
  • Isaiah 1:15
    You might spread out your hands toward me when you pray. But I do not look at you. You might even offer many prayers. But I am not listening to them. Your hands are covered with the blood of the people you have murdered.
  • Micah 3:4
    The time will come when Israel will cry out to the Lord. But he won’t answer them. In fact, he’ll turn his face away from them. They have done what is evil.
  • Psalms 145:19
    He satisfies the needs of those who have respect for him. He hears their cry and saves them.
  • Zechariah 7:13
    “ When I called, they did not listen,” says the Lord.“ So when they called, I would not listen.
  • Proverbs 1:28-29
    “ Then you will call to me. But I won’t answer. You will look for me. But you won’t find me.You hated knowledge. You didn’t choose to have respect for the Lord.
  • Job 27:8-9
    What hope do ungodly people have when their lives are cut short? What hope do they have when God takes away their lives?God won’t listen to their cry when trouble comes on them.
  • 1John 3:21-22
  • Psalms 34:15-16
    The Lord looks with favor on those who are godly. His ears are open to their cry.But the Lord doesn’t look with favor on those who do evil. He removes all memory of them from the earth.
  • Proverbs 21:13
    Whoever refuses to listen to the cries of poor people will also cry out and not be answered.
  • John 15:16
    You did not choose me. Instead, I chose you. I appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit that will last. I also appointed you so that the Father will give you what you ask for. He will give you whatever you ask for in my name.
  • Ezekiel 8:18
    So I am angry with them. I will punish them. I will not spare them or feel sorry for them. They might even shout in my ears. But I will not listen to them.”
  • Psalms 66:18-20
    If I had enjoyed having sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.But God has surely listened. He has heard my prayer.Give praise to God. He has accepted my prayer. He has not held back his love from me.
  • Jeremiah 11:11
    So I say,‘ I will bring trouble on them. They will not be able to escape it. They will cry out to me. But I will not listen to them.
  • Jeremiah 14:12
    Even if they go without food, I will not listen to their cry for help. They might sacrifice burnt offerings and grain offerings. But I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy them with war, hunger and plague.”
  • Psalms 18:41
    They cried out for help. But there was no one to save them. They called out to the Lord. But he didn’t answer them.
  • Jeremiah 15:1
    Then the Lord said to me,“ Suppose Moses and Samuel were standing in front of me. Even then my heart would not feel sorry for these people. Send them away from me! Let them go!
  • Job 35:12
    He doesn’t answer sinful people when they cry out to him. That’s because they are so proud.
  • Psalms 106:23
    So he said he would destroy them. But Moses, his chosen one, stood up for them. He kept God’s anger from destroying them.
  • John 7:17
    Here is how someone can find out whether my teaching comes from God or from me. That person must choose to do what God wants them to do.
  • Isaiah 58:9
    You will call out to me for help. And I will answer you. You will cry out. And I will say,‘ Here I am.’“ Get rid of the chains you use to hold others down. Stop pointing your finger at others as if they had done something wrong. Stop saying harmful things about them.
  • John 11:41-42
    So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up. He said,“ Father, I thank you for hearing me.I know that you always hear me. But I said this for the benefit of the people standing here. I said it so they will believe that you sent me.”
  • 1 Kings 17 20-1 Kings 17 22
    Then Elijah cried out to the Lord. He said,“ Lord my God, I’m staying with this widow. Have you brought pain and sorrow even to her? Have you caused her son to die?”Then he lay down on the boy three times. He cried out to the Lord. He said,“ Lord my God, give this boy’s life back to him!”The Lord answered Elijah’s prayer. He gave the boy’s life back to him. So the boy lived.
  • James 5:15-18
    The prayer offered by those who have faith will make the sick person well. The Lord will heal them. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.So confess your sins to one another. Pray for one another so that you might be healed. The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.Elijah was a human being, just as we are. He prayed hard that it wouldn’t rain. And it didn’t rain on the land for three and a half years.Then he prayed again. That time it rained. And the earth produced its crops.
  • Genesis 20:7
    Now return the man’s wife to him. He is a prophet. So he will pray for you, and you will live. But what if you do not return her? Then you can be sure that you and all your people will die.”
  • Genesis 19:29
    So when God destroyed the cities of the valley, he showed concern for Abraham. He brought Lot out safely when he destroyed the cities where Lot had lived.
  • 2 Chronicles 32 20-2 Chronicles 32 21
    King Hezekiah cried out in prayer to God in heaven. He prayed about the problem Jerusalem was facing. So did Isaiah the prophet. He was the son of Amoz.The Lord sent an angel. The angel wiped out all the enemy’s fighting men, commanders and officers. He put an end to them right there in the camp of the Assyrian king. So Sennacherib went back to his own land in shame. He went into the temple of his god. There some of his own sons, the people closest to him, killed him with their swords.
  • John 4:34
    Jesus said,“ My food is to do what my Father sent me to do. My food is to finish his work.
  • Psalms 143:10
    Teach me to do what you want, because you are my God. May your good Spirit lead me on a level path.
  • Genesis 18:23-33
    Then Abraham came up to him. He said,“ Will you sweep away godly people along with those who are evil?What if there are 50 godly people in the city? Will you really sweep it away? Won’t you spare the place because of the 50 godly people in it?You would never kill godly people along with those who are evil, would you? Would you treat them all alike? You would never do anything like that! Won’t the Judge of the whole earth do what is right?”The Lord said,“ If I find 50 godly people in the city of Sodom, I will spare it. I will spare the whole place because of them.”Then Abraham spoke up again. He said,“ I have been very bold to speak to the Lord. After all, I’m only dust and ashes.What if the number of godly people is five fewer than 50? Will you destroy the whole city because there are five fewer people?”“ If I find 45 there,” he said,“ I will not destroy it.”Once again Abraham spoke to him. He asked,“ What if only 40 are found there?” He said,“ If there are 40, I will not do it.”Then Abraham said,“ Lord, please don’t be angry with me. Let me speak. What if only 30 can be found there?” He answered,“ If I find 30, I will not do it.”Abraham said,“ I have been very bold to speak to the Lord. What if only 20 can be found there?” He said,“ If I find 20, I will not destroy it.”Then he said,“ Lord, please don’t be angry with me. Let me speak just one more time. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered,“ If I find ten, I will not destroy it.”When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left. And Abraham returned home.
  • Psalms 99:6
    Moses and Aaron were two of his priests. Samuel was one of those who worshiped him. They called out to the Lord. And he answered them.
  • Job 42:8
    So now get seven bulls and seven rams. Go to my servant Job. Then sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you. And I will accept his prayer. I will not punish you for saying the foolish things you said. You have not said what is true about me, as my servant Job has.”
  • 1 Kings 18 36-1 Kings 18 38
    When it was time to offer the evening sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward. He prayed,“ Lord, you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Today let everyone know that you are God in Israel. Let them know I’m your servant. Let them know I’ve done all these things because you commanded me to.Answer me. Lord, answer me. Then these people will know that you are the one and only God. They’ll know that you are turning their hearts back to you again.”The fire of the Lord came down. It burned up the sacrifice. It burned up the wood and the stones and the soil. It even dried up the water in the ditch.
  • Psalms 40:8
    My God, I have come to do what you want. Your law is in my heart.”
  • Hebrews 10:7
    Then I said,‘ Here I am. It is written about me in the book. I have come to do what you want, my God.’ ”( Psalm 40:6–8)