<< Jeremiah 26:6 >>



  • Jeremiah 24:9
    I will make all the kingdoms on earth displeased with them. In fact, they will hate them a great deal. They will shake their heads at them. They will curse them and make fun of them. All this will happen no matter where I force them to go.
  • 2 Kings 22 19
    “ Your heart was tender. You made yourself humble in the eyes of the Lord. You heard what I spoke against this place and its people. I said they would be under a curse. I told them they would be destroyed. You tore your royal robes and wept in front of me. And I have heard you,” announces the Lord.
  • Isaiah 65:15
    My chosen ones will use your names when they curse others. I am your Lord and King. I will put you to death. But I will give new names to those who serve me.
  • Jeremiah 25:18
    He sent me to Judah’s kings and officials. He told me to go to Jerusalem and the towns of Judah. He wanted me to tell them they would be destroyed. Then people would be shocked because of them. They would make fun of them. They would use their name in a curse. And that’s how things still are today.
  • Joshua 18:1
    The whole community of Israel gathered together at Shiloh. They set up the tent of meeting there. The country was brought under their control.
  • Jeremiah 7:12-14
    “‘ “Go now to the town of Shiloh. Go to the place where I first made a home for my Name. See what I did to it because of the evil things my people Israel were doing.I spoke to you again and again,” announces the Lord.“ I warned you while you were doing all these things. But you did not listen. I called out to you. But you did not answer.So what I did to Shiloh I will now do to the house where my Name is. It is the temple you trust in. It is the place I gave to you and your people of long ago.
  • Jeremiah 42:18
    He is the Lord who rules over all. He is the God of Israel. He says,‘ My great anger has been poured out on those who used to live in Jerusalem. In the same way, it will be poured out on you when you go to Egypt. People will use your name in a curse. They will be shocked at you. They will say bad things about you. And they will say you are shameful. You will never see this place again.’
  • 1 Samuel 4 10-1 Samuel 4 12
    So the Philistines fought. The Israelites lost the battle, and every man ran back to his tent. A large number of them were killed. Israel lost 30,000 soldiers who were on foot.The ark of God was captured. And Eli’s two sons Hophni and Phinehas died.That same day a man from the tribe of Benjamin ran from the front lines of the battle. He went to Shiloh. His clothes were torn. He had dust on his head.
  • Psalms 78:60-64
    He deserted the holy tent at Shiloh. He left the tent he had set up among his people.He allowed the ark to be captured. Into the hands of his enemies he sent the ark where his glory rested.He let his people be killed by swords. He was very angry with them.Fire destroyed their young men. Their young women had no one to marry.Their priests were killed by swords. Their widows weren’t able to weep.
  • 1 Samuel 4 19-1 Samuel 4 22
    The wife of Phinehas was pregnant. She was Eli’s daughter- in- law. It was near the time for her baby to be born. She heard the news that the ark of God had been captured. She heard that her father- in- law and her husband were dead. So she went into labor and had her baby. Her pain was more than she could bear.As she was dying, the women helping her spoke up. They said,“ Don’t be afraid. You have had a son.” But she didn’t reply. She didn’t pay any attention.She named the boy Ichabod. She said,“ The God of glory has left Israel.” She said it because the ark of God had been captured. She also said it because her father- in- law and her husband had died.She said,“ The God of glory has left Israel.” She said it because the ark of God had been captured.
  • Isaiah 43:28
    So I put the high officials of your temple to shame. I let Jacob’s family be totally destroyed. And I let people make fun of Israel.
  • Jeremiah 44:8-12
    Why do you want to make me angry with the gods your hands have made? Why do you burn incense to the gods of Egypt, where you now live? You will destroy yourselves. All the nations on earth will use your name as a curse. They will say you are shameful.Have you forgotten the evil things done by your people of long ago? The kings and queens of Judah did those same things. So did you and your wives. They were done in the land of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem.To this day the people of Judah have not made themselves humble in my sight. They have not shown any respect for me. They have not obeyed my law. They have not followed the rules I gave you and your people of long ago.”The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says,“ I have decided to bring horrible trouble on you. I will destroy the whole land of Judah.I will destroy the people of Judah who are left. They had decided to go to Egypt and make their homes there. But all of them will die in Egypt. They will die of war or hunger. All of them will die, from the least important of them to the most important. They will die of war or hunger. People will use their name as a curse. They will be shocked at them. They will say bad things about them. And they will say they are shameful.
  • Jeremiah 44:22
    The Lord couldn’t put up any longer with the evil things you were doing. He hated the things you did. So your land became a curse. It became a dry and empty desert. No one lived there. And that’s the way it still is today.
  • Daniel 9:11
    All the people of Israel have broken your law and turned away from it. They have refused to obey you.“ Curses and warnings are written down in the Law of Moses. He was your servant. Those curses have been poured out on us. That’s because we have sinned against you.
  • Malachi 4:6
    Elijah will bring peace between parents and their children. He will also bring peace between children and their parents. If that does not happen, I will come. And I will completely destroy the land.”
  • Jeremiah 29:22
    Because of what happens to them, people will use their names when they curse someone. All those who have been taken from Judah to Babylon will use their names in that way. They will say,‘ May the Lord treat you like Zedekiah and Ahab. The king of Babylon burned them in the fire.’