<< Jeremiah 12:17 >>



  • Isaiah 60:12
    The nation or kingdom that will not serve you will be destroyed. It will be completely wiped out.
  • Psalms 2:8-12
    Ask me, and I will give the nations to you. All nations on earth will belong to you.You will break them with an iron scepter. You will smash them to pieces like clay pots.”Kings, be wise! Rulers of the earth, be warned!Serve the Lord and have respect for him. Celebrate his rule with trembling.Obey the son completely, or he will be angry. Your way of life will lead to your death. His anger can blaze out at any moment. Blessed are all those who go to him for safety.
  • Daniel 11:4
    Not long after his rule ends, his kingdom will be broken up. It will be divided up into four parts. His children will not receive it when he dies. And it will not be as strong as his kingdom. It will be pulled up by the roots. And it will be given to others.
  • 1 Peter 2 6-1 Peter 2 8
    In Scripture it says,“ Look! I am placing a stone in Zion. It is a chosen and very valuable stone. It is the most important stone in the building. The one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”( Isaiah 28:16)This stone is very valuable to you who believe. But to people who do not believe,“ The stone the builders did not accept has become the most important stone of all.”( Psalm 118:22)And,“ It is a stone that causes people to trip. It is a rock that makes them fall.”( Isaiah 8:14) They trip and fall because they do not obey the message. That is also what God planned for them.
  • Zechariah 14:16-19
    But some people from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will still be left alive. All of them will go up there to worship the King. He is the Lord who rules over all. Year after year these people will celebrate the Feast of Booths.Some nations might not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King. If they don’t, they won’t have any rain.The people of Egypt might not go up there to take part. Then they won’t have any rain either. That’s the plague the Lord will send on the nations that don’t go to celebrate the Feast of Booths.Egypt will be punished. So will all the other nations that don’t celebrate the feast.
  • Jeremiah 12:14-17
    Here is what the Lord says.“ All my evil neighbors have taken over the land I gave my people Israel. So I will pull them up by their roots from the lands they live in. And I will pull up the roots of the people of Judah from among them.But after I pull up those nations, I will give my tender love to them again. I will bring all of them back to their own lands. I will take all of them back to their own countries.Suppose those nations learn to follow the practices of my people. And they make their promises in my name. When they promise, they say,‘ You can be sure that the Lord is alive.’ They do this just as they once taught my people to make promises in Baal’s name. Then I will give them a place among my people.But what if one of those nations does not listen? Then you can be sure of this. I will pull it up by the roots and destroy it,” announces the Lord.
  • Luke 19:27
    And what about my enemies who did not want me to be king over them? Bring them here! Kill them in front of me!’ ”
  • Jeremiah 31:28
    I watched over Israel and Judah to pull them up by the roots. I tore them down. I crushed them. I destroyed them. I brought horrible trouble on them. But now I will watch over them to build them up and plant them,” announces the Lord.
  • Daniel 7:4-8
    “ The first animal was like a lion. It had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off. Then it was lifted up from the ground. It stood on two feet like a human being. And the mind of a human being was given to it.“ I saw a second animal. It looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides. And it had three ribs between its teeth. It was told,‘ Get up! Eat meat until you are full!’“ After that, I saw another animal. It looked like a leopard. On its back were four wings like the wings of a bird. The animal I saw had four heads. And it was given authority to rule.“ After that, in my vision I looked up and saw a fourth animal. It was terrifying and very powerful. It had large iron teeth. It crushed those it attacked and ate them up. It stomped on anything that was left. It was different from the other animals. And it had ten horns.“ I thought about the horns. Then I saw another horn. It was a little one. It grew up among the other horns. Three of the first horns were pulled up by their roots to make room for it. The little horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being. Its mouth was always bragging.
  • Jeremiah 18:7
    Suppose I announce that something will happen to a nation or kingdom. Suppose I announce that it will be pulled up by the roots. And I announce that it will be torn down and destroyed.
  • 2 Thessalonians 1 8
    He will punish those who don’t know God. He will punish those who don’t obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.
  • Ezekiel 19:12
    But Nebuchadnezzar became angry. He pulled it up by its roots. He threw it to the ground. The east wind dried it up. Its fruit was stripped off. Its strong branches dried up. And fire destroyed them.