<< Ezekiel 18:32 >>



  • Ezekiel 18:23
    Do I actually delight in the death of the wicked, declares the sovereign LORD? Do I not prefer that he turn from his wicked conduct and live?
  • 2 Peter 3 9
    The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some regard slowness, but is being patient toward you, because he does not wish for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
  • Ezekiel 33:11
    Say to them,‘ As surely as I live, declares the sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but prefer that the wicked change his behavior and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil deeds! Why should you die, O house of Israel?’
  • Lamentations 3:33
    For he is not predisposed to afflict or to grieve people.ל( Lamed)