<< Exodus 14:7 >>



  • Exodus 15:4
    Pharaoh’s chariots and army he has hurled into the sea. The finest of Pharaoh’s officers are drowned in the Red Sea.
  • Isaiah 37:24
    By your messengers you have defied the Lord. You have said,‘ With my many chariots I have conquered the highest mountains— yes, the remotest peaks of Lebanon. I have cut down its tallest cedars and its finest cypress trees. I have reached its farthest heights and explored its deepest forests.
  • Psalms 68:17
    Surrounded by unnumbered thousands of chariots, the Lord came from Mount Sinai into his sanctuary.
  • Psalms 20:7
    Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.
  • Judges 4:3
    Sisera, who had 900 iron chariots, ruthlessly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years. Then the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help.
  • Exodus 14:23
    Then the Egyptians— all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and charioteers— chased them into the middle of the sea.
  • Judges 4:15
    When Barak attacked, the Lord threw Sisera and all his chariots and warriors into a panic. Sisera leaped down from his chariot and escaped on foot.
  • Joshua 17:16-18
    The descendants of Joseph responded,“ It’s true that the hill country is not large enough for us. But all the Canaanites in the lowlands have iron chariots, both those in Beth shan and its surrounding settlements and those in the valley of Jezreel. They are too strong for us.”Then Joshua said to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the descendants of Joseph,“ Since you are so large and strong, you will be given more than one portion.The forests of the hill country will be yours as well. Clear as much of the land as you wish, and take possession of its farthest corners. And you will drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, too, even though they are strong and have iron chariots.”