<< Ecclesiastes 7:10 >>



  • Judges 6:13
    “ Pardon me, sir,” Gideon replied,“ you say the Lord is with us. Then why has all this happened to us? Where are all the wonderful things he has done? Our people of long ago told us about them. They said,‘ Didn’t the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has deserted us. He has handed us over to Midian.”
  • Jeremiah 44:17-19
    We will certainly do everything we said we would. We’ll burn incense to the female god called the Queen of Heaven. We’ll pour out drink offerings to her. We’ll do just as we and our people of long ago have done. Our kings and our officials also did it. All of us did it in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food. We were well off. We didn’t suffer any harm.But then we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven. We stopped pouring out drink offerings to her. And ever since that time we haven’t had anything. Instead, we’ve been dying of war and hunger.”The women added,“ We burned incense to the Queen of Heaven. We poured out drink offerings to her. And our husbands knew we were making cakes that looked like her. They knew we were pouring out drink offerings to her.”
  • Romans 1:22-32
    They claimed to be wise. But they made fools of themselves.They would rather have statues of gods than the glorious God who lives forever. Their statues of gods are made to look like people, birds, animals and reptiles.So God let them go. He allowed them to do what their sinful hearts wanted to. He let them commit sexual sins. They made one another’s bodies impure by what they did.They chose a lie instead of the truth about God. They worshiped and served created things. They didn’t worship the Creator. But he is praised forever. Amen.So God let them continue to have their shameful desires. Their women committed sexual acts that were not natural.In the same way, the men turned away from their natural love for women. They burned with sexual desire for each other. Men did shameful things with other men. They suffered in their bodies for all the wrong things they did.They didn’t think it was important to know God. So God let them continue to have evil thoughts. They did things they shouldn’t do.They are full of every kind of sin, evil and ungodliness. They want more than they need. They commit murder. They want what belongs to other people. They fight and cheat. They hate others. They say mean things about other people.They tell lies about them. They hate God. They are rude and proud. They brag. They think of new ways to do evil. They don’t obey their parents.They do not understand. They can’t be trusted. They are not loving and kind.They know that God’s commands are right. They know that those who do evil things should die. But they continue to do those very things. They also approve of others who do them.
  • Romans 3:9-19
    What should we say then? Do we Jews have any advantage? Not at all! We have already claimed that Jews and Gentiles are sinners. Everyone is under the power of sin.It is written,“ No one is right with God, no one at all.No one understands. No one trusts in God.All of them have turned away. They have all become worthless. No one does anything good, no one at all.”( Psalms 14:1–3; 53:1–3; Ecclesiastes 7:20)“ Their throats are like open graves. With their tongues they tell lies.”( Psalm 5:9)“ The words from their lips are like the poison of a snake.”( Psalm 140:3)“ Their mouths are full of curses and bitterness.”( Psalm 10:7)“ They run quickly to commit murder.They leave a trail of harmful actions.They do not know how to live in peace.”( Isaiah 59:7, 8)“ They don’t have any respect for God.”( Psalm 36:1)What the law says, it says to those who are ruled by the law. Its purpose is to shut every mouth and make the whole world accountable to God.
  • Psalms 14:2-3
    The Lord looks down from heaven on all people. He wants to see if there are any who understand. He wants to see if there are any who trust in God.All of them have turned away. They have all become evil. No one does anything good, no one at all.
  • Isaiah 50:1
    The Lord says to the people in Jerusalem,“ Do you think I divorced your people who lived before you? Is that why I sent them away? If it is, show me the letter of divorce. I did not sell you into slavery to pay someone I owe. You were sold because you sinned against me. Your people were sent away because of their lawless acts.
  • Genesis 6:11-12
    The earth was very sinful in God’s eyes. It was full of people who did mean and harmful things.God saw how sinful the earth had become. All its people were living very sinful lives.