<< Deuteronomy 27:10 >>



  • Micah 6:8
    The Lord has shown you what is good. He has told you what he requires of you. You must act with justice. You must love to show mercy. And you must be humble as you live in the sight of your God.
  • Matthew 5:48
    So be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
  • 1 Peter 1 14-1 Peter 1 16
    You should obey your Father. You shouldn’t give in to evil desires. They controlled your life when you didn’t know any better.The God who chose you is holy. So you should be holy in all that you do.It is written,“ Be holy, because I am holy.”( Leviticus 11:44, 45; 19:2)
  • Deuteronomy 11:1
    Love the Lord your God. Do what he requires. Always obey his rules, laws and commands.
  • Deuteronomy 11:7-8
    But with your own eyes you saw all the great things the Lord has done.So obey all the commands I’m giving you today. Then you will be strong enough to go in and take over the land. You will go across the Jordan River and take the land as your own.
  • Deuteronomy 10:12-13
    And now, Israel, what is the Lord your God asking you to do? Honor him. Live exactly as he wants you to live. Love him. Serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.Obey the Lord’ s commands and rules. I’m giving them to you today for your own good.
  • Micah 4:5
    Other nations worship and trust in their gods. But we will worship and obey the Lord. He will be our God for ever and ever.
  • Ephesians 4:17-24
    Here is what I’m telling you. I am speaking for the Lord as I warn you. You must no longer live as the Gentiles do. Their thoughts don’t have any purpose.They can’t understand the truth. They are separated from the life of God. That’s because they don’t know him. And they don’t know him because their hearts are stubborn.They have lost all feeling for what is right. So they have given themselves over to all kinds of evil pleasures. They take part in every kind of unclean act. And they are full of greed.But that is not the way of life in Christ that you learned about.You heard about Christ and were taught about life in him. What you learned was the truth about Jesus.You were taught not to live the way you used to. You must get rid of your old way of life. That’s because it has been made impure by the desire for things that lead you astray.You were taught to be made new in your thinking.You were taught to start living a new life. It is created to be truly good and holy, just as God is.
  • Leviticus 19:2
    “ Speak to the whole community of Israel. Tell them,‘ Be holy, because I am holy. I am the Lord your God.
  • 1 Peter 4 1-1 Peter 4 3
    Christ suffered in his body. So prepare yourselves to think in the same way Christ did. Do this because whoever suffers in their body is finished with sin.As a result, they don’t live the rest of their earthly life for evil human desires. Instead, they live to do what God wants.You have spent enough time in the past doing what ungodly people choose to do. You lived a wild life. You longed for evil things. You got drunk. You went to wild parties. You worshiped statues of gods, which the Lord hates.