<< Deuteronomy 11:11 >>



  • Deuteronomy 8:7-9
    For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with streams, springs, and deep water sources, flowing in both valleys and hills;a land of wheat, barley, vines, figs, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey;a land where you will eat food without shortage, where you will lack nothing; a land whose rocks are iron and from whose hills you will mine copper.
  • Hebrews 6:7
    For the ground that drinks the rain that often falls on it and that produces vegetation useful to those for whom it is cultivated receives a blessing from God.
  • Psalms 65:12-13
    The wilderness pastures overflow, and the hills are robed with joy.The pastures are clothed with flocks and the valleys covered with grain. They shout in triumph; indeed, they sing.
  • Genesis 27:28
    May God give to you— from the dew of the sky and from the richness of the land— an abundance of grain and new wine.
  • Jeremiah 2:7
    I brought you to a fertile land to eat its fruit and bounty, but after you entered, you defiled my land; you made my inheritance detestable.
  • Isaiah 28:1
    Woe to the majestic crown of Ephraim’s drunkards, and to the fading flower of its beautiful splendor, which is on the summit above the rich valley. Woe to those overcome with wine.
  • Psalms 104:10-13
    He causes the springs to gush into the valleys; they flow between the mountains.They supply water for every wild beast; the wild donkeys quench their thirst.The birds of the sky live beside the springs; they make their voices heard among the foliage.He waters the mountains from his palace; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of your labor.