<< 2 Samuel 9 8 >>


  • New American Standard Bible
    Again he prostrated himself, and said,“ What is your servant, that you should be concerned about a dead dog like me?”
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  • New International Version
    Mephibosheth bowed down and said,“ What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”
  • New International Reader's Version
    Mephibosheth bowed down to David. He said,“ Who am I? Why should you pay attention to me? I’m nothing but a dead dog.”
  • English Standard Version
    And he paid homage and said,“ What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?”
  • New Living Translation
    Mephibosheth bowed respectfully and exclaimed,“ Who is your servant, that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me?”
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Mephibosheth paid homage and said,“ What is your servant that you take an interest in a dead dog like me?”
  • New King James Version
    Then he bowed himself, and said,“ What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?”
  • American Standard Version
    And he did obeisance, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Mephibosheth bowed down and said,“ What is your servant that you take an interest in a dead dog like me?”
  • King James Version
    And he bowed himself, and said, What[ is] thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I[ am]?
  • New English Translation
    Then Mephibosheth bowed and said,“ Of what importance am I, your servant, that you show regard for a dead dog like me?”
  • World English Bible
    He bowed down, and said,“ What is your servant, that you should look at such a dead dog as I am?”


  • 2 Samuel 16 9
    Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king,“ Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Now let me go over and cut off his head.”
  • 1 Samuel 24 14-1 Samuel 24 15
    After whom has the king of Israel gone out? Whom are you pursuing? A dead dog, a single flea?May the Lord therefore be judge and decide between you and me; and may He see and plead my cause and save me from your hand.”
  • Matthew 15:26-27
    Yet He answered and said,“ It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”And she said,“ Yes, Lord; but please help, for even the dogs feed on the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.”
  • 2 Samuel 3 8
    Then Abner became very angry over Ish bosheth’s question and said,“ Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not let you fall into the hands of David; yet today you call me to account for wrongdoing with that woman?
  • 1 Samuel 26 20
    Now then, do not let my blood fall to the ground far from the presence of the Lord; for the king of Israel has come out to search for a single flea, just as one hunts a partridge in the mountains.”