<< 1 Chronicles 9 18 >>



  • Ezekiel 46:1-2
    The Lord and King says,“ On the six working days of each week you must keep the east gate of the inner courtyard of the temple shut. But open it on Sabbath days and during New Moon feasts.The prince must enter the temple area through the porch of the gateway. He must stand by the gatepost. The priests must sacrifice his burnt offering and friendship offerings. He must bow down in worship at the entrance of the gateway. Then he must leave. But the gate will not be shut until evening.
  • 1 Chronicles 26 12-1 Chronicles 26 19
    Those groups of men guarded the gates. They worked under their leaders. They served at the Lord’ s temple, just as their relatives had served.Lots were cast for each gate, family by family. Young and old alike were chosen.The lot chosen for the East Gate was for Shelemiah. Then lots were cast for his son Zechariah, who gave wise advice. The lot chosen for the North Gate was for Zechariah.The lot chosen for the South Gate was for Obed- Edom. The lot chosen for the storeroom was for his sons.Lots were chosen for the West Gate and the Shalleketh Gate on the upper road. Those lots were chosen for Shuppim and Hosah. One guard stood next to another.There were six Levites a day on the east. There were four a day on the north. There were four a day on the south. And there were two at a time at the storeroom.Two Levite guards were at the courtyard to the west. And four were at the road.Those were the groups of the men who guarded the gates. They belonged to the family lines of Korah and Merari.
  • Acts 3:11
    The man was holding on to Peter and John. All the people were amazed. They came running to them at the place called Solomon’s Porch.
  • Ezekiel 44:2-3
    The Lord said to me,“ This gate must remain shut. It must not be opened. No one can enter through it. It must remain shut because I have entered through it. I am the God of Israel.The prince is the only one who can sit in the gateway. There he can eat in front of me. He must enter through the porch of the gateway. And he must go out the same way.”
  • 1 Kings 10 5
    She saw the food on his table. She saw his officials sitting there. She saw the robes of the servants who waited on everyone. She saw his wine tasters. And she saw the burnt offerings Solomon sacrificed at the Lord’ s temple. She could hardly believe everything she had seen.
  • 2 Kings 11 19
    Jehoiada took with him the commanders of groups of 100 men. They were the commanders over the Carites and the guards. He also took with him all the people of the land. All of them brought the new king down from the Lord’ s temple. They went into the palace. They entered it by going through the gate of the guards. Then the king sat down on the royal throne.