<< 1 Chronik 18 3 >>


  • 新标点和合本
  • 和合本2010(上帝版)
  • 和合本2010(神版)
  • 当代译本
  • 圣经新译本
  • 新標點和合本
  • 和合本2010(上帝版)
  • 和合本2010(神版)
  • 當代譯本
  • 聖經新譯本
  • 呂振中譯本
  • 文理和合譯本
  • 文理委辦譯本
  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    Moreover, David defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah, in the vicinity of Hamath, when he went to set up his monument at the Euphrates River.
  • New International Reader's Version
    David fought against Hadadezer in the area of Hamath. Hadadezer was king of Zobah. He had gone to set up his monument at the Euphrates River.
  • English Standard Version
    David also defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah-Hamath, as he went to set up his monument at the river Euphrates.
  • New Living Translation
    David also destroyed the forces of Hadadezer, king of Zobah, as far as Hamath, when Hadadezer marched out to strengthen his control along the Euphrates River.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    David also defeated King Hadadezer of Zobah at Hamath when he went to establish his control at the Euphrates River.
  • New American Standard Bible
    David also defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah as far as Hamath, as he went to establish his rule to the river Euphrates.
  • New King James Version
    And David defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah as far as Hamath, as he went to establish his power by the River Euphrates.
  • American Standard Version
    And David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah unto Hamath, as he went to establish his dominion by the river Euphrates.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    David also defeated King Hadadezer of Zobah at Hamath when he went to establish his control at the Euphrates River.
  • King James Version
    And David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah unto Hamath, as he went to stablish his dominion by the river Euphrates.
  • New English Translation
    David defeated King Hadadezer of Zobah as far as Hamath, when he went to extend his authority to the Euphrates River.
  • World English Bible
    David defeated Hadadezer king of Zobah to Hamath, as he went to establish his dominion by the river Euphrates.


  • Psalm 60:1
    You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us; you have been angry— now restore us! (niv)
  • 2 Samuel 8 3
    Moreover, David defeated Hadadezer son of Rehob, king of Zobah, when he went to restore his monument at the Euphrates River. (niv)
  • 2 Samuel 10 6
    When the Ammonites realized that they had become obnoxious to David, they hired twenty thousand Aramean foot soldiers from Beth Rehob and Zobah, as well as the king of Maakah with a thousand men, and also twelve thousand men from Tob. (niv)
  • 1 Samuel 14 47
    After Saul had assumed rule over Israel, he fought against their enemies on every side: Moab, the Ammonites, Edom, the kings of Zobah, and the Philistines. Wherever he turned, he inflicted punishment on them. (niv)
  • 2 Mose 23 31
    “ I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. (niv)
  • 1 Mose 15 18
    On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said,“ To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates— (niv)